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Website Accessibility

Website Accessibility Statement

Last Updated: October 1, 2023


At MMS Transportation, we are deeply committed to ensuring that our website is accessible to everyone, including individuals with disabilities. We are dedicated to providing an inclusive online experience that aligns with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, a widely recognized standard for web accessibility. Our fundamental belief is that all individuals, regardless of their abilities, should have equal access to information and services.

Accessibility Features

To fulfill our commitment to web accessibility, we have implemented a range of features and practices to enhance the usability and inclusivity of our website:

  1. Alternative Text (Alt Text): We provide descriptive alternative text for all images and non-text content on our website. These descriptions enable screen readers and other assistive technologies to convey the content to users with visual impairments.

  2. Keyboard Navigation: Our website is designed to be fully navigable using a keyboard, ensuring that individuals who rely on keyboard navigation or other assistive devices can access all content and functionalities seamlessly.

  3. Readable Text and Consistent Layout: We prioritize legibility by maintaining a consistent layout throughout our website. Text and images can be resized to accommodate users with varying levels of vision, and we avoid the use of low-contrast color combinations.

  4. Accessible Forms: All online forms are designed to be accessible to assistive technologies, making it easier for all users to interact with our website and submit information.

  5. Video Accessibility: Our video content is made accessible through the inclusion of captions and transcripts. This ensures that individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing can access and understand the content.

  6. Semantic Markup: We employ semantic HTML5 markup to structure our web content logically and meaningfully. This approach assists screen readers and other assistive technologies in interpreting and presenting the content accurately.

  7. Skip to Content Links: Users can easily skip repetitive elements, such as navigation menus, and jump directly to the main content using “Skip to Content” links, improving the efficiency of their navigation.

Ongoing Commitment

Our commitment to web accessibility is ongoing. We regularly conduct accessibility audits, testing, and updates to ensure that our website adheres to evolving accessibility standards and best practices. As digital accessibility is an ever-evolving field, we are dedicated to staying informed and responsive to the needs of our users.

Feedback and Contact Information

We greatly value your input and encourage feedback on the accessibility of our website. If you encounter any accessibility barriers, experience difficulties in accessing content, or have suggestions for improvement, please do not hesitate to contact us:

  • Email:
  • Phone: +15044418203

We are committed to addressing your concerns promptly and to providing accessible alternatives where feasible.

Accessibility Partners

MMS Transportation actively collaborates with accessibility experts and consultants to enhance the accessibility of our website. We are dedicated to staying informed about best practices, emerging accessibility standards, and evolving technologies to ensure that our digital offerings remain accessible to all.

Date of Last Update

This Website Accessibility Statement was last updated on October 1, 2023.

MMS Transportation is deeply committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming online environment for all users. We thank you for visiting our website and appreciate your support as we work diligently to achieve our accessibility goals. Your experience matters to us, and we are committed to making it as accessible as possible.